Kylee had a great birthday party. She wanted to have a Hannah Montana Pizza Party. We first played Hannah Montana Bingo while we waited for everyone to get there.Next we played pass the microphone like hot potato and then they dressed up like "Rock Stars" and danced to Hannah Montana music.
Next we opened presents and then went downstairs to watch the movie and eat pizza. During the movie they ate pizza and breadsticks and then we did Cake and ice cream. Their favorite part of the whole night was when they kept rewinding the movie and doing the line dance over and over again! My flash drowns out the movie so you can't see it that great.
Kylee has been begging for a pair of Heely's since at least Kindergarten. I was able to successfully avoid purchasing them for a couple years, convinced they were too dangerous and lots of kids get hurt. I finally gave in and got her a pair for her seventh birthday. She was absolutely ecstatic! Little did I know just how dangerous they were! Kids are not allowed to have the wheels in when they are at school. So one morning while we were getting ready for school, I was removing the wheels. I thought this was a pretty harmless activity so did not use the amount of caution required. I successfully removed the first wheel without any problems. While removing the wheel in the second shoe, the wheel came out and literally flew across the room at least 10 feet to where Braxton was laying on the ground! Nothing like this had ever happened so I was completely stunned! Then I heard the crying and my heart dropped.
The poor guy got hit right above the eye!Of all the crazy things!Here I thought the danger was to the one wearing them, not the innocent bystander!
He is such a happy baby, even when his mom beats him up!